Annual Meeting with Parishioners 5 August 2019

Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Fotherby Parish Council held on Monday, 5 August 2019 in St Mary’s Church Fotherby, commencing at 7:00pm.


Present: Councillors Giles, French, Sutton, Hunter, Edward Mossop (ELDC)


Twelve parishioners were also in attendance.


1. Apologies: None Received


2. Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 15 May 2018

Minutes were checked and agreed to be a true and correct record of the meeting. Minutes were proposed by Cllr Giles and seconded by Cllr Sutton. All in favour for the minutes to be signed.


3. Parish Council Update

A new Parish Council was in place. The previous Parish Council had performed a good role keeping the business in order.


4. Financial Matters

The Chairman reported that due diligence had revealed a very small sum on money adrift from the previous financial year. There had been confusion with 3 Parish Clerks in place. Further investigations would take place to get to the route of the issue.


5. Matters Raised by Electors

A resident had previously raised the issue of buses not stopping in Louth marketplace on the return journey to Fotherby. Cllr Giles had taken this up with the bus company. The route had now changed, and passengers can continue to alight at Mercer Row but cannot get on at Mercer Row. On the return journey passengers had to get on at the bus station. The bus company, however, were not allowing infirm passengers to get on in town and continue to the bus station. Cllr Giles would tackle the issue with the bus company.

The issue of potholes was raised. Action: clerk to contact highways. In addition, Cllr Bridges would be requested to meet the Parish Council to walk around the village.

Cllr French raised the Parishioners/Parish Council Wish List.


Repair of Fence Opposite the Dock.

This is a private fence and not within the remit of the Parish Council.


Repair of small section road at the Common

Historically the Land Registry had been contacted and this section of road did not belong to anybody. Cllr Giles advised that no decisions should be taken at this time and reiterated the process for councillors to raise items for discussion. This should include a precis of the facts, investigations/information and preferred outcomes and would enable the members of the Parish Council to fully consider the options prior to discussions at Parish Council meetings.


Limit parking at Bus Stop

LCC had agreed to paint the line markings at the bus stop before the end of September. Action: Clerk to contact Cllr Bridges.

The meeting closed at 7:30pm.


Signed ………………………………………… Dated ……………………………….