Dear Sir/Madam

You are hereby summoned to attend a remote meeting of Fotherby Parish Council on Monday 5 October 2020 at 7pm using the Zoom software.


Zoom connection details shown below.


Please download the Zoom application prior to the meeting onto your device. Please try to access the meeting 5 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 726 5385 9902

Passcode: WL18QW


If a further meeting is needed please join using the following link at 7.30pm.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 788 2861 9143

Passcode: rNbY0T


Should a meeting starting at 8pm be needed please join using the following link.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 754 8098 0739

Passcode: xf5yHv



A discussion period will take place following the conclusion of the order of business in order that District and/or County Councilors together with Parishioners may use the discussion time as an Open Forum.

Viv Davies - Clerk

28 September 2020



1. Apologies for absence

2. Declarations of interest – To be stated in any Proposition

3. Approval of Minutes of 6.9.20.

4. Clerks update – To cover any items brought to the attention of the Clerk or any other Councilor.

5. Finance

a) To agree cheques for payment

b) To note monthly financial reports.

c) To approve any other expenditure supported by a successful Proposal

6. Planning

7. Clerk Salary Scales.

a)To approve the updated NALC salary scales.

b)To approve back payment amount as a result of the change in salary scales

8. Allotment hedge. TG

9. Flooding in Peppin Lane and Allenby Crescent. TG

10. Speed sign, SID response from LCC. TG

11. Way markers Church Lane. TG

12. To obtain Grass cutting quotations. TG

13. Fotherby Top Road. TH

14. Repair to bench at the Dock. Funds already approved. AF

15. Carry out Risk Assessments outstanding since the Spring. AF

16: To discuss a plan for improvements at the Common. AF

17. To arrange for Salt bins to be topped up before the first frosts. AF

18. Discussion Period – Open Meeting.

19. Date of next meeting Monday 2 November 2020 – 7pm.