Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of a meeting of a remote meeting of Fotherby Parish Council held on Monday 4 May 2020.


Present: Cllr T Giles, (Chairman), Cllr T French (Vice Chairman) Cllr T Hunter, Cllr T Wait, Cllr L Sutton


In attendance: Mrs V Davies (clerk), Cllr E Mossop (ELDC),

Two parishioners were present.



49/2020 Apologies for absence.


50/2020. Declarations of interest.

There were no declarations of interest.


51/2020 To approve the Minutes of 2.3.20


Cllr Sutton proposed, Cllr Waite seconded, and the Parish Council unanimously approved the minutes. Cllr Giles would sign the minutes.


52/2020 To Ratify Resolutions Approved By Email Due To The Parish Council Being Unable To Meet Due Coronavirus


Resolution 1 . Safety Statement - Meetings


That the Parish Council recognises and agrees that no business, meeting, service provision or service delivery of the Authority is of any importance above that of public and personal safety. As such all scheduled public meetings will be cancelled for an initial 4 month period (or as circumstances dictate).


resolution 2. Suspension of Standing Orders / Financial Regulations


That the Parish Council gives delegated authority to the Clerk to: suspend any relevant Standing Order or Financial Regulation as necessary to ensure the smooth running and operation (wherever possible) of the Town Council for a period of no longer than 4 months (or as circumstances dictate), with the Town Clerk to compile and maintain a list of such suspensions and reasons which will be to be presented to a future meeting of the Administration Committee



RESOLUTION 3. Annual Council Meeting / Annual Parish Meeting

That as the cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (scheduled for 4 May 2020), the roles of Chairman and Vice
Chairman will remain the same until a suitable and safe public meeting is called and held.


Where any cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the holding of the Annual Parish Meeting, the Town Council will hold such meeting at a future date.


It is noted that whilst the above decisions are contrary to existing legislation (as of 16th March 2020) the Parish Council has made these decisions in order to place public safety at the forefront.


RESOLUTION 4. Orders for Payment


That the Clerk emails information regarding all orders for payment to Councillors. Councillors are to confirm by email that they agree to the payments. The cheques will be signed by those elected Members with delegated responsibility for the authorising and signing of payments.


These measures are put in place with robust transparency processes to ensure effective business continuation and to minimise impact on local service delivery and local business with ratification by the Parish Council to be made at the earliest and safest opportunity.




To approve the payments for March 2020 and April 2020.

Payments for March 2020

Chq No


1167 Clerk Salary £223.02

1168 Clerk Expenses £30.81

1166 LALC Training Lunch £21.60

1169 Bush Landscaping £204.00

1170 A Cox £80.00

1171 Keyhole £69.90

1172 WAVE £14.76


Payments for April 2020


1163 LALC Training Fee £102.00

1173 LALC Membership Fee £150.13


Cllr Sutton Proposed, Cllr Waite seconded and it was unanimously agreed that the resolutions and payments be ratified.


53/2020 Clerks Update


The clerk had contacted the insurance company regarding the implications of using volunteers on the common. They would be insured providing risk assessments took place.


The clerk had attended website training as LCC were introducing new websites which met the accessibility rules required by September. This was now on hold due to coronavirus and as the clerk had not received log in details for the new website.


Following government advice safety statements had been issued to allotment holders detailing social distancing measures.


PFK Littlejohn the external auditor had issued the deadlines for the Annual Governance and Accountability return. Smaller authorities (Fotherby) are required if practicable to keep to the deadlines set (to complete returns by 30.7.20.) Extensions are possible by request. The clerk had contacted an internal auditor and the papers were almost ready to be sent to the internal auditor.


The carry forward from 2019/20 is £6135.28.


The amount of VAT reclaimed from HMRC is £799.92. An error had been made in overclaiming of £30.60 and this would be adjusted in the next VAT reclaim. It was resolved that in future VAT would be reclaimed on a 6-monthly basis.


The vacant allotment had been let to a Fotherby resident, Mr Phil Hopper.


The Asset register had been updated to reflect replacement costs. The replacement costs had been updated.


John Presgrave had expressed an interest in being co-opted onto the Parish Council. This matter would be discussed at the next physical meeting of the Parish Council.


54/2020 Insurance Renewal


Discussion took place as to whether to take out the one year or 3-year insurance option. Cllr Hunter proposed, seconded Cllr Waite that the Parish Council take out the one Year renewal option.


55/2020 Finance:


To agree cheques for payment


Chq no Payee Details Chq Amount

1174 V Davies Clerk Salary £223.02

1175 Came and Co Insurance £365.74

1176 V Davies Clerk Expenses £33.17

1177 Bush Landscapes Grass Cutting £480.00


A salary error was reported. The Clerk would make a salary adjustment of -£20 for May salary paid in June. Proposed Cllr Hunter, seconded councillor Sutton and councillors unanimously approved the cheques for payment. The invoices would be sent to Cllr Giles for scrutiny. Cllr Giles and Cllr French would sign the cheques.

56/2020 - To discuss Planning applications.

There were no planning applications.

57/2020 - The next meeting would take place on Monday 1 June 2020.


58/2020 Open Meeting


The Chairman opened the meeting for public participation.


Cllr Mossop advised that, due to coronavirus, there had been changes to delegated powers relating to East Lindsey District Council regarding planning applications. This made it more difficult for Parish Councils to request consideration by the planning committee.


A member of the public raised concern regarding the cutting of the Bemrose Oaks. The branches which had been sawn off had been discarded between the trees and there were other trees, bushes and brambles which had not been cut. This had not been undertaken by the Parish Council.

The meeting was closed at 19.45.