Minutes of a meeting of Fotherby Parish Council held on Monday 7 February 2022 at St. Mary’s Church.
Present; Chair Cllr Giles, Cllr Sutton, Cllr Hunter, Cllr Chen, Cllr Wait.
In attendance: Mrs V Davies (Clerk), ELDC Mossop.
Nine Parishioners present
The meeting began at 18:55 his with an open forum
A parishioner raised the issue of flooding in Peppin Lane. He had been in contact with Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and Anglian Water. LCC were in the process of organising a CCTV inspection of the issue. Cllr Mossop is a member of on the East Lindsey District water board and has been pursuing the issue and collating evidence. Cllr Giles would contact the county councillor and head of highways.
A parishioner advised that a neighbouring parish council had raised objections to the application. This item would be discussed under 14/2022.
Apologies were received from LCC Cllr Hall.
There were no declarations of interest.
10/22 Approval of the minutes of 4 January 2022.
These were approved Proposed by Cllr Waite and Seconded by Cllr Hunter and carried unanimously.
11/22 Clerks update.
Draft grass cutting tenders had been sent to Cllr Hunter. These will need to be progressed as soon as possible.
The clerk had logged an issue with a slippery bridge on the public right of way. This had been reported to Footpaths Department at Lincolnshire County Council Footpaths had responded that the matter had been classed as priority 2.
There was no update on the request for a Traffic Regulation Order to prevent parking in the lay-by adjacent to Fotherby Care Home. The clerk had rung for an update and been advised that Traffic Regulation Orders were a lengthy process.
The agenda for the next meeting will include.
Appointing an internal auditor.
Reviewing the asset register.
Ratification of Financial Regulations
Fotherby Common
The Parish Council had been informed that the grant of £919.65 has been received but this is not yet showing on the bank statement. Cheques have been raised at the January and February 2022 meeting for improvements to Fotherby Common. The financial position for the Fotherby Common is below which shows the balance as -£860.70 until a grant of £919.65 is showing on the statement.
The Parish council had responded to a LCC consultation on the proposal to increase council tax by 3% to cover adult social care costs. The Parish Council approved the proposal in view of the circumstances.
The clerk circulate the tender documents to Councillors with tenders to be received by Monday 28 February 2022. The notice of tender would be displayed on the noticeboard.

Proposed Cllr Sutton, Seconded Cllr Hunter approval of the cheques below:-
1273 PMP Printing Keyhole £99.06
1274 Foxhall Plant Hire Fotherby Common £157.32
1275 V Davies Clerk Salary £229.14
1276 V Davies Clerk Expenses £33.33
Balances. Treasurers Account £5672.97
Business Bank Account £2501.12
The Parish Council noted the income received
Treasurers Account
1.4.21 Allotments £100
14.4.21 Precept £7696
21.6.21 Grass cutting contribution from St Marys Church £650
28.7..21 VAT reclaim £224.06
30.7.21 Allotments £20
Business Bank Account
1.4.21 to 9.11.21 - Interest £0.16
Cllrs noted the Monthly Reports. The Chairman had verified the bank reconciliation.
The parish council had been approached regarding the possibility of making a donation towards the Jubilee celebrations. It was noted that there may be some East Lindsey Councillors Community Grant funding available in April. It was proposed to defer the decision to the next meeting.
Cllr Sutton reported that the SID sign was not working. The supplier had agreed to investigate the fault with the SID sign without charge and report back on costings. Cllr Sutton would arrange for the SID sign to be transported to the supplier.
N/019/00045/22 BRACKENBOROUGH ARMS HOTEL, CORDEAUX CORNER, BRACKENBOROUGH, LOUTH, LN11 0SZ, Planning Permission - Siting of 4no. caravan lodges and construction of a 1m high earth bund. The Parish Council resolved to comment as follows:-
Fotherby Parish Council opposes the planning application for the following reasons.

Adverse effect - There will be an adverse effect on the residential amenity of neighbours by reason of noise, disturbance, overlooking, loss of privacy, lack of resources in the form of inadequate drainage and strain to the existing sewage system of which ELDC have deemed to be at maximum capacity.  The properties on Cordeaux Corner will be negatively impacted by transient lodge occupiers, dramatic increase in vehicular traffic, pollution, disturbance and intrusion.

Unacceptable high density / over development of the site - The landowner has already been approved for over 100 lodges, and if it was so material to have these 4 static caravans at this specified site, it would be no issue to rearrange the configuration of Phase 3 which the landowner admits has not even been started yet.  Any business or economic gain from the addition of 4 static caravans on top of the over 100 caravans already approved is so negligible as to be considered de minimis whereas the disadvantage to the neighbours is measurably great.  Additionally, covering the land with more tarmac and caravans will prevent rainwater from naturally permeating into the ground and cause flooding for the neighbours.  Water run-off is a serious problem in Fotherby with several areas experiencing unacceptably frequent flooding due to diversion of surface water run-off. 

Highway issues - Cordeaux Corner is a small country road.  It was designed and built for the 9 residential properties’ vehicular use.  It does not and has never anticipated the dramatic increase of vehicular traffic (at least over 150 cars if all the caravans were booked).  To have that many vehicles suddenly use the small country road would overwhelm the structural capabilities of the road.  If the landlord wishes to have 4 caravans at the site detailed in the plans, the appropriate solution is the rearrange the caravans in Phase 3 as to avoid adding more strain to the highway resource. 
N/092/00145/22 - Extension to existing dwelling to provide
additional living accommodation. LOCATION: CROSS FARM, BRACKENBOROUGH ROAD, BRACKENBOROUGH (WITHIN THE PARISH OF KEDDINGTON), LOUTH, LN11. The Parish council had no comment to make.
N/052/00018/22 INGLEBY NOOK, PEPPIN LANE, FOTHERBY, LOUTH, LN11 0UW, Planning Permission - Erection of a detached double garage with an attached log store. Cllr Giles declared an interest as this property was his neighbour. The Parish Council had no comment to make.
N/052/02607/21 LAND EAST OF MONTANA, INGS LANE, FOTHERBY, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN11 0TX. Planning Permission - Erection of a storage building and alterations to existing vehicular access. Demolition of existing garage on site. The Parish Council had initially no comments to make. The Parish Council reconsidered their comments and resolved to comment as follows:-
The Parish Council wish to object to the development on the grounds of access and traffic issues. Having visited the site, there is a high likellihood of traffic back up on the A16 for vehicles entering Ings Lane should vehicles take too long - or have difficulty- negotiating the entrance. Given the flooding issues in and around the Fotherby Area, without proper drainage and water egress routing, environmental considerations should be taken
This item had been discussed in the open forum.
The work has begun. The items listed on the bid for grant funding have been purchased. The Parish council should have received the grant payment in full.

Wildflower bulbs had been planted by volunteers
The first stage of the felling has been completed
The tree trunks and large branches have been cut into lengths long and heavy enough to deter removal. However some had been taken.
The following works would be completed in the near future:-
Planting new holly, hazel and rowan trees
Moving the material to be chipped towards the top of the Common
Manning the chipper and spreading the chippings along the path
Moving some of the felled material to the dead hedging on the western edge
Creating dead hedging barriers around the newly planted trees to prevent being eaten by deer etc.

17/2022 Litter strategy.

Cllr Giles had enquired if there was a LCC litter strategy. There was permission from LCC to instal one new litter bin in. Cllr Giles would investigate which litter bins were available.
Date of the next meeting- Monday 7 March 2022 at 7pm