Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of a meeting of Fotherby Parish Council held on Monday 2 December 2019 in St Marys Church


Present: Cllr T Giles, (Chairman), Cllr T French (Vice Chairman) Cllr T Hunter, Cllr T Wait, Cllr L Sutton


In attendance: Cllr E Mossop (ELDC), Mrs V Davies (clerk),


Eight parishioners were present.


1. Apologies for absence.

No apologies were received.


2. Open Meeting


The Chairman opened the meeting for public participation.


Parishioners raised the following: -


A parishioner had written to highways about the blockage on Peppin Lane causing a flood on Peppin Lane. Highways were investigating.


Cllr Mossop advised that he had followed up on the issues raised at the last meeting and was still raising the issue with Council Tax department regarding the tone of the letters sent to parishioners regarding the Council Tax single person’s discount.


Cllr Mossop had been in touch with Waterloo housing.


Cllr Mossop was requested to find out if there was an aboriculturist at ELDC to provide advice to the Parish council.


The noticeboard in the church highlighted all the village events. All events will be included on the noticeboard.


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting for public participation.


3. Declarations of interest.

There were no declarations of interest.


4. To approve the Minutes of 4.11.19

Cllr Sutton proposed, Cllr Waite seconded, and the Parish Council unanimously approved the minutes. Cllr Giles signed the minutes.


5. Allenby Crescent Flooding/Ditches in Fotherby and local environments.


A parishioner raised that there had been flooding in Allenby Crescent and residents had incurred 60 hours without a toilet in use. The drainage is a major issue as sewage is coming out of the man-hole cover and contaminating the surface water. Parishioners were requested to photograph any evidence of sewage contaminating the water course.


Residents contacted Anglian Water every time there was an issue. A full inspection of the system had previously taken place. The flooding issue would be pursued with the Environment agency.


It was proposed that the Parish Council develop an emergency flood plan. It was also proposed to have an evacuation centre in the event of an emergency



Action: Cllr Giles to develop a plan of action.


A framework would be required for a Flood plan and an Emergency plan.


The Environmental agency had detailed information regarding where all the surface water went. A survey would be required to access which ditches and dykes required clearing.


The Environment Agency would be contacted regarding the issues in Allenby Crescent.


6. Winter Service Plan


Cllr Giles had circulated a draft winter service plan. Mr Brader had agreed to remove the snow when requested by the Parish Council.


The parish council thanked Mr Pridgeon for agreed to clear the snow on Barton street to the main road without cost to the parishioners.


It was proposed that the chair or a nominated councillor had the authority to request Mr Brader to commence the snow clearance. Cllr Giles and Cllr Waite would organize the snow clearance this year.


Salt bins. A parishioner and a councillor would fill up the salt grit bins. It was noted that the Salt bins are situated at road junctions likely to be affected by snow and ice. It is the responsibility of all residents to spread the salt when required and is not part of the FPC Winter Service plan. This information would be available in the keyhole.


Cllr Giles would present the final policy for the Winter Service plan to the next meeting.


7. Proposals for Budget for 2020/21- and 3-year Budget plan


Cllr Giles presented a proposed 3-year budget plan which included a plan of improvement works over the 3 years.

Bus Shelter Painting £250

Dock Fence £200.

Dock Dredging £500

Common £300

Total for 3 years £1,250.00


Annual precept addition £416.67



Discussion took place regarding providing additional contingency within the budget for flood planning.


It was proposed by Cllr French to increase the precept by 4%, seconded Cllr Sutton and approved by all councillors. The precept for 2020/2021 would be £7696.


8. Risk Management /Risk Assessment


Cllr Giles detailed the current risk assessments.


The issue of the trees at the common was raised. Action: Cllr Mossop to verify if ELDC had the services of a tree specialist to assist the Parish council in assessing risks on the common. Risk assessments were required also required for The Dock, Fotherby Common, The Burial Grounds, and Bush shelters.


This would be discussed the next meeting.


9. Standing Orders


Discussion took place regarding proposed amendments. Cllr Giles would make amendments. Action: Cllr Giles.


Discussion took place regarding the day to day issues. It was resolved that if there were day to day issues with overhanging branches or other minor day to day issues, the clerk would seek the opinion of a councillor before taking any action. If the councillor agreed, then a polite letter would be sent to request the householder to resolve the issue.


10. Footpath Stile


A Parishioner had raised “user unfriendly” stile concerns by footbridge along footpath from Allenby Crescent. Cllr Hunter had contacted the landowner regarding a kissing gate but this would not be pursued as the landowner refused to replace the stile.


11. Clerks update


There were no planning applications.


The clerk had investigated the options for an interest-bearing account to use for contingency funds. The Treasurers account at Lloyds Bank paid 0.05% p.a. Information was required for signatories on the account. It was agreed that the Chairman would be the signatory on the account.


The clerk reported that under the Data Protection act, the Parish Councils were required to register with the Information Commissioner.


Cllr Mossop had been in touch with Angela Gray regarding the allocations of housing stock, vetting, suitability. East Lindsey now run the housing register. Waterloo housing were happy to meet with Cllr Mossop and a member of the Parish council if necessary. Cllr Mossop would feed back to waterloo housing that the situation had not improved.


The clerk had received quotations for Snow clearance. 6am to 6pm £30 per hour. 6pm to 6am £35 per hour. The contractor was required to provide a method statement and or a risk assessment. Action: Clerk to contact Mr Brader.


Transport for the care home. A request had been received for funding for the care home transport. The Parish council was not able to provide financial assistance.


12. Finance:


To agree cheques for payment


Clerk salary £218.70

Clerk expenses £46.36

P Stones £350.00

Information Commissioner £40

Cllr Giles, proposed, Cllr French seconded and councillors unanimously approved the cheques for payment. Cllr Giles scrutinized and initialed the invoices. The cheques were signed by Cllr Giles and Cllr French.


13. Report from Countryside Access Volunteer

The following report had been received from the Countryside Access Volunteer.

Bridleway North Elkington to top road; field reinstatement now marked out with quad bike track and stakes.

Bridleway/footpaths Utterby Grove Farm to the Covenhams, still no field reinstatements, despite LCC contact. Will be chased.

Footpath across fields behind Brackenborough Wood. LCC informed reinstatement done by spraying but not evident as yet.

Utterby “kissing gate” footpath still under water due to flooding on adjacent land. UPC liaising directly with the landowner.

Remaining RoWs in the Fotherby/Utterby area are usable, but suitable footwear advised as most are wet/muddy in parts. Fotherby Church Lane footpath by Anglian Water Pump station worst affected. Forecasted dry weather should remedy.    

Email address on FPC Notice Board for anyone who would like more information on local Rights of Way/latest conditions

The Parish council thanked Mr Presgrave for his report.

14. Chalk Pit Lane – update by resident.


Cllr Hunter, Cllr Giles and Mr Pridgeon had met with Mr Russell Crockford from highways to view the situation on Chalk Pit Lane. He would look through the archives to find out the ownership.

15. To fix the dates for next year's meetings.


The Annual Parish meeting would take place on Monday 4 May


The meeting was closed at 21.00.