Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Fotherby Parish Council held on Thursday 18 July 2019 in St Marys Church


Present: Councillor T Giles (Elected Chairman at the Annual Meeting), Councillor T French, Councillor L Sutton, Councillor T Hunter.


In attendance: Mrs V Davies (clerk), Councillor A Pridgeon, (Former Chairman of Fotherby Parish Council.


Seventeen Parishioners were present.


1. Election of Chairman

Councillor Pridgeon asked for nominations for Chairman of the parish council. Ted Giles expressed an interest. The nomination was seconded by Councillor Hunter. The resolution was Carried 3 - 1 (opposed by Councillor French). Councillor Giles thanked Councillor Pridgeon and all the previous Councillors for all their work on Fotherby Parish Council. Councillor French also thanked Councillor Pridgeon for all the work he had done for the village.


2. Election of Vice Chairman.

Councillor Giles asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Councillor French expressed an interest. This was seconded by Councillor Giles. This was approved unanimously.


3. Acceptance of Office.

All Councillors had completed their Acceptance of Office prior to the meeting.


4. Apologies for absence.

Councillor Mossop (ELDC) had sent apologies for absence.


5. Declarations of interest.

These had been completed by Councillors.


6. Public Forum

Councillor Giles opened the meeting for Public Participation. Thanks were given to the four Councillors for volunteering to become members of Fotherby Parish Council and to those who had previously served on the Parish Council. Questions were raised regarding who was responsible for cutting trees back in Allenby Close and Allenby Crescent. Landowners are responsible for this. Discussion took place regarding the responsibility for cutting the Bemrose Oaks. Action: Clerk to take advice on the responsibility for cutting the Bemrose Oaks from East Lindsey District Council. There being no further business Councillor Giles closed the Public Participation.


7. Roles and Responsibilities.

Councillors would lead on various roles and responsibilities. This would be discussed by email.


8. Lodging Agenda Items and procedures and protocols


Councillor Giles proposed that when agenda items are lodged by Councillors the Councillor lodging the item should provide detail of issue, the facts and proposed outcomes. This would simplify and document the process more formally.


All procedures from the previous parish council would be reviewed. In particular, the Risk Assessment document would be reviewed.


9. Clerks Update.

The clerk reported that documents had been securely stored with the previously vice Chairman of the Parish Council. Some old documentation was still in the possession of the previous vice Chairman. Action: Clerk to verify with Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils which documentation had to be retained. The clerk had already investigated the possibility of storing documents with Lincolnshire County council. Discussion also took place regarding the possibility of storing documents at the Church.


10. Finance:

To agree cheques for payment. There was no cheque book available as the cheque book had not been received from the bank. The bank mandate would be completed as soon as possible to enable the cheque book to be ordered.

Bank Mandate. The signatories of the previous council members would be removed. The signatories of the four new Parish Councilors and the clerk would be added to the bank mandate. The new signatories would attend the bank with identification.

Contribution from Church towards grass cutting. Mrs Chester submitted the cheque contribution of £650.

It was proposed that the budget versus actual expenditure be reviewed on a monthly basis. The clerk would highlight any areas of concern where expenditure was significantly above budget.


11. Report from Countryside Access Volunteer


The Countryside Access Volunteer report was distributed to councilors and published on the Parish Council website.


The Countryside Access Volunteer is happy to report every month. It was up to the Parish Council to contact the Countryside Access Volunteer to confirm they wanted the reports to continue. The Parish Council thanked Mr Presgrave for his efforts and requested him to continue with the reports.


12. Defer review of Policies and Procedures for discussion at the next meeting specifically Risk Management to allow councillors to review and consider any changes necessary.


Councillors were asked to review the procedures before the next meeting and consider if the documentation in place is fit for purpose. Action: Councillors.


13. Update on Safeguarding policy.


Councillors highlighted that the Safeguarding policy states that the clerk is a point of contact. The clerk was requested to continue with this responsibility until further Councillors were elected to the Parish Council.


14. Hedge on Main Road belonging to the Winning Post.

Councillor Giles reported that the hedging had been cleared. Thanks were given to those who had assisted in clearing the hedging. An issue has been raised regarding a tree on the dock which overhangs the property. The landowner was requesting professional advice on the overhanging tree. It was proposed to get the view of a tree specialist. Action: Clerk to arrange for tree specialist to attend to report on the best way to resolve to issue and to provide a quotation.


15. Any Other Business.

The Annual Parish meeting would take place at 7pm on Monday 5 August prior to the next Parish Council meeting. Councillors agreed to continue to hold the Parish Council meetings on the first Monday of every month.


The clerk was requested to provide a list of dates of when the meetings, where and when expenditure was expected and when contracts needed renewing.




The clerk would ensure all Parish Council minutes were published on the website.


Discussion took place on when the hedges on the allotment would be cut. There was concern about the birds nesting.



Thanks were given to the clerk for carrying the council forward during a difficult period.



The meeting was closed at 20.14.