Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at The Old School Room


Present: Councillors Pridgeon, Cotterill, A Thompson, M Odlin,


In attendance: Mrs V Davies (clerk)


Twelve Parishioners were present.


Introduction: Cllr Pridgeon welcomed everyone to the meeting. He advised that the term of office

of the parish councillors finished at midnight tonight. There were no other applications for the




Apologies: L Thompson, Cllr Tony Bridges (LCC),


Public Forum:

Fotherby remembers had been produced into a booklet. There was a copy for the parish council records. Copies were available at £3 each.


Parishioners were asked for their comments on the use of the Old School Room. Comments should be made on the slips provided and to be sent to Steve Mansfield.


Parishioners raised concern about the parish councillors ending their term of office and asked what would happen next. East Lindsey District council would ask for further nominations within 35 days. Parishioners thanked the past and present members of the Parish Council for all their good work they had done for the village. One parishioner advised he may stand for election.


Parishioners asked who would pay the contractors in the interim and what would happen to the website. ELDC would be responsible. The clerk would draft a letter to ELDC and LALC requesting information on the way forward for the contractors. There was a contract in place for the grass cutting and dock maintenance. There is a clause within the contracts to terminate. Any decisions would be in the hands of East Lindsey District Council. East Lindsey Financial Services and LALC would be contacted and asked for the procedure to pay contractors. The residents formally requested that East Lindsey meet with the residents to discuss the way forward.

Future payments would be required for the following contractors:-


Grass Cutting contract


Dock Maintenance contract

Insurance renewal due 1 June 2019

Clerk Payment


Councillor Pridgeon and Councillor Cotterill would go to ELDC with the letter to meet with an Executive Officer. It was resolved that once information was available a notice would be placed in the noticeboard to advise on the way forward.


Parishioners suggested a meeting be arranged with the new district councillor.


Questions were raised relating to the relationship between the Church and the Parish council:-


The parish council meetings were in the church diary. For the time being the church would keep these on the church calendar.


The church has either gone through the Parish Council or Councillor Cotterilll to contact the grass cutting contractor. The Clerk provided the contact details.


The church were requested to hold on to the requested contribution towards the grass cutting.


1. Apologies

Apologies were received from L Thompson.

2. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1h April 2019

The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Cotterill – Seconded by Cllr A Thompson.


4. Matters Arising from the Minutes

4.1 Grass cutting – Churchyard -

This had been resolved.

5. Finances


5.1. Finances 2018/2019


The clerk distributed the Accounts Summary 2018-19. The Parish Council noted that the 2018/2019 accounts show a surplus for the year of £1,207 compared to £807 last year. Reserves at year end amounted to £5,854. Costs for the year were £3,237 below budget the main items being:-


No snow clearance £600

No elections £2100

Only year end audit £209

Less admin fees £242

Grass cutting costs below budget £200

LALC fees less £120

No bus shelter maintenance £200

Overbudget on salary costs -£561

Other variances £127


Total £3237

The VAT claim form had been sent off to the HMRC.




The 2017/18 accounts were approved. Proposed by Cllr J Cotterill – Seconded by Cllr A Thompson.


5.2 Finances 2018/19

Amounts Received


The following amounts had been received.


Precept £7,400

Allotment rent £140


5.3 Invoices to Pay

As per the summary the following invoices for payment had been received:


Alis Gardening services £63.00

Clerks salalry and expenses £381.69

Bush Landscaping £480.00

Victoria Clark Internal audit £100.00



Proposed by Cllr J Cotterill – Seconded by Cllr A Thompson. Councillor Pridgeon signed the summary of payments.


5.3 Accounts Summary 2019/20

The clerk distributed the Accounts Summary.


Proposed Councillor Pridgeon, seconded Councillor Cotterill approval of the summary.


5.4. Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19


5.4.1.i Annual Internal Audit Report 2018/19


The Parish Council noted that the internal auditor had visited and is happy with the councillor’s systems of internal control. Proposed councillor Odlin, seconded, Councillor Cotterill approval of the internal audit.


5.4.ii Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2018/19


The Council as a whole considered the effectiveness of the system of internal control and prepared the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Return).


The council approved the annual Governance Statement which was signed on behalf of the Council by the Chairman.


5.4.iii Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2018/19.


The council as a whole considered the accounting statements.



The Parish Council approved the Accounting Statement which was signed on behalf of the Council by the Chairman. Notices would be on the noticeboards advertising the Rights of the Public to inspect the Accounts.


5.4.iv. Certificate of Exemption Annual Governance and Accountability Return Part 2.



The parish council certified itself as exempt from a limited assurance review under

Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.


5.5 Insurance renewal.


Advice would be sought from East Lindsey District Council on the way forward.


6. Countryside Access Volunteer

The Countryside Access Volunteer advised on the updates.

LCC mowing/cutting schedule for RoWs for 2019 will include 3 cuts during periods: 22/4-31/5 1/6-14/7 15/7-14/9

FP Peppin Lane to Little Grimsby Lane, & permissive BW Fotherby Halt to 400m northbound not on cutting schedule

Stile on Fotherby Common to North Elkington footpath damaged. LCC aware

Recent Grimsby and Louth Ramblers` Silver Lincs Way markers proving unsuitable in the field. LCC notifying L&G.


7. Correspondence Received

The Clerk presented a summary list of correspondence received for April 2019 to Councillors – synopsis as follows:


Bulletins , Rural Bulletin – 2.4.19

Insurance renewals

Knife Crime

Emails re Best Kept Village


Waterloo housing had been written to.



Best Kept Village

This could not take place if there was not a parish council.


8. Elections

East Lindsey District Council and Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils would be contacted to agree a way forward.


9. Planning

The Clerk reported that there were no planning notices.


Meeting closed 9:00pm


Signed …........................................................ Dated …..........................………………
