Minutes Meeting with parishioners 15 May 2023


Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Fotherby Parish Council with Parishioners held on Monday 15 May 2023 commencing at 7:00pm in St Mary’s Church.


Present: Councillors Mansfield, Sutton, Hunter, Ensell, Chen


In attendance: E Mossop (ELDCD, V Davies (Clerk)


3 Parishioners were in attendance.





Minutes were checked and agreed to be a true and correct record of the meeting. Minutes were proposed by Cllr Hunter and seconded by Cllr Sutton. All in favour for the minutes to be signed by Cllr Mansfield



Cllr Mansfield reported the following:-


Throughout the year, we as a Council, have attempted to consistently respond to the needs of our community. Adopting a Litter Strategy has result in a series of positive actions, leading the way in keeping our area litter free and reducing incidents of fly tipping on our patch. East Lindsey District Council have supported us by clearing most of this and chasing up offenders. Further approaches have been made directly contacting local companies who need to accept a degree of responsibility for much of the litter strewn in our village. Tireless work by a small enthusiastic band has made such an incredible impact upon the continued cleanliness of our village.

A refurbished notice board acts as our shop window, informing about our activities, meeting dates, planning issues etc and it is pleasing to see people stopping to read the contents on a regular basis.


Our approach to planning displays a consistent, fair and honest direction taken by the Council.


Our Bus Shelters are now receiving their share of attention to make them clean, tidy and available for villagers who use them and more will be refurbished within our rolling programme. It is especially pleasing to witness all five of them being adopted by local residents, keeping them swept and tidy. We thank them for their time.


Further volunteer work on the Common has ensured that planting, resurfacing of pathways and tidying has been completed and we thank Barbara Chester for organising her group up there. It is much appreciated by villagers and visitors alike.


The Council has had a very positive impression upon areas within Fotherby, by removing a large offending branch at the Dock, a commitment to offer and present a clear tenancy agreement and support for allotment holders, liaising with Anglian Water, ELDC and the Lincolnshire County Council has enabled progress with flooding issues, roadside trees and hedgerows and path clearance.

We now have clear targets within our Action Log to identify tasks to complete and their success.


A special mention must go to the team we have on our council. They have reacted and responded consistently to issues as they arise whether that has been flooding, litter, fallen branches or planning problems. A big thank you must go Viv our clerk who regularly supplies us with bedtime reading and keeps on top of our day to day running issues. We thank the support from Edward Mossop and Alex Hall, our ELDC & County Councillors who attend most of our meetings and are available for help and comment if required, which is much appreciated.


We believe we have a good relationship with other organisations within Fotherby, the Jubilee Committee, St Mary’s Church Council, and the Almshouses Trust and we fully appreciate their commitment and hard work.


I genuinely believe we are a thoughtful, caring council who are eager to ensure that Fotherby residents are well represented and provided for. We look forward to continued good relationships with everyone throughout the forthcoming twelve months.




The clerk reported that the carry forward is £7409.78. There is a high level of internal control and all expenditure is closely monitored by the parish council against the budgeted expenditure.




Congratulations were given to all 5 members of the parish council and the district councillor for putting themselves forward and being elected unopposed.


It was raised that ELDC had booked the church for the parish/district council elections but had not cancelled the booking until the day before the elections. The venue could have been booked for other activities.


Thanks were given to Colin Stubbs who cuts the grass in Allenby Close.


The Parish council had been approached by pride in East Lindsey to support projects in the village. They cleared outside the old post office, bus stop then cleared short lane bridleway. Moss covered paths. The team would come back to Fotherby when time permitted and further tasks would be requested.




The meeting closed at 7:30pm.


Signed ………………………………………… Dated ……………………………….