Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of a meeting of Fotherby Parish Council held on Monday 4 November 2019 in St Marys Church


Present: Cllr T Giles, (Chairman), Cllr T French (Vice Chairman) Cllr T Hunter, Cllr T Wait



In attendance: Cllr E Mossop (ELDC), Mrs V Davies (clerk),


Four Parishioners were present.


1. Apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllr Sutton and Cllr Bridges


2. Open Meeting


The Chairman opened the meeting for public participation.


Parishioners raised the following: -


Cllr Mossop gave an update on East Lindsey District Council. There was a proposal for East Lindsey to move the premises at Tedder Hall, Manby to Horncastle by 2020. There were no issues to report. Cllr Mossop had written to Cllr Bridges regarding the issue of painted lines at the Bus Stop.


Cllr Mossop had also written to the portfolio holder for Housing to request an officer to come to a meeting to discuss the procedures. A parishioner raised the issue why the Waterloo Housing was not on the agenda. Waterloo housing had previously offered to visit the Parish Council. The clerk was requested to contact Waterloo housing to arrange a visit and to request they conduct an external inspection of their housing stock prior to the meeting. Action: clerk.


A parishioner highlighted an issue regarding letters from East Lindsey regarding issues with the sole residency discount for single taxpayers and was unhappy with the tone of the letter. Cllr Mossop would raise the issue with East Lindsey and report back to the Parish Council.


A Parishioner had some spare poppy seeds that had been used at the memorial service and wondered if the Parish Council had an objection with the poppy seeds being scattered at the common and the Dock. The Parish Council approved this proposal.



There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting for public participation.


3. Declarations of interest.


There were no declarations of interest. Discussions took place if councillors should declare an interest if the proposal for snow clearance for the road where they lived was included in the plan.  The discussion reached no conclusion and the chair would email councillors for their opinion on the matter.


4. To approve the Minutes of 7.10.19

Cllr French proposed, Cllr Waite seconded, and the Parish Council unanimously approved the minutes. Cllr French signed the minutes.


5. Proposals for Budget for 2020/21- and 3-year Budget plan


Cllr Giles presented a proposed 3-year budget plan which included a plan of improvement works over the 3 years.

Bus Shelter Painting £250

Dock Fence £200.

Dock Dredging £500

Common £300

Total for 3 years £1,250.00

Annual precept addition £416.67


Councillors were asked to take the document away for review prior to the next meeting.


Cllrs noted that the costs of the clerk had doubled in two years.


6. Risk Management /Risk Assessment


A risk management policy was required. The council also had to assess the risks in the parish and how to mitigate against them. Action: Cllr Mossop to verify if ELDC had the services of a tree specialist to assist the Parish council in assessing risks on the common.

Risk assessments were required also required for The Dock, Fotherby Common, The Burial Grounds, and Bush shelters. The policy and the assessment sheets had been distributed to councillors prior to the meeting.


7. Village Signage


Lincolnshire Highways did not support the erection of wildfowl signs as even if the Parish Council paid for the signs, Lincolnshire Highways became responsible for their upkeep.


8. Snow Plan


Discussion took place regarding a parish councillor being responsible for implementing the snow plan. Cllr Giles was happy to take on the responsibility for implementing the snow plan for this year and for parishioners to contact Cllr Giles if snow clearance was required in their road. The Parish council approved the expenditure of up to £600 for snow clearance. Anthony Pridgeon would bring the salt to fill the grit bins, when requested. The clerk was requested to contact Mr Brader to verify that he was still happy to provide snow clearance and if so the hourly rate payable. Action: Clerk.


Proposed Cllr Giles, seconded Cllr Hunter to amend the financial regulations. Item 4.5. to reflect that the clerk or chairman could authorize payments of up to £500 in emergency situations. This was covered under item 14 (Policies).


9. Clerks update


There were no planning applications.


The clerk had investigated the options for an interest-bearing account to use for contingency funds. The Treasurers account at Lloyds Bank paid 0.05% p.a. The clerk was requested to start the account application process. The funds on deposit were to be identified as RESERVES. The funds held in the current account to be identified as CONTINGENCY and BUDGETED ITEMS.



Letters had been sent to residents requesting the cutting of hedges. A Councillor requested the clerk to wait until Parish Council meetings before such correspondence was issued.


10. Finance:


To agree cheques for payment



Alis Gardening services £126.00

Clerk Salary £218.70

Clerk Expenses £32.73

Bush Landscaping £240.00

WAVE £10.16

T Hunter £6.00

PMP £79.36

Cllr Giles, proposed, Cllr French seconded and councillors unanimously approved the cheques for payment. Cllr Giles scrutinized and initialed the invoices. The cheques were signed by Cllr Giles and Cllr French. Councillor Waite had verified the bank statements and signed the bank reconciliation.


11. Report from Countryside Access Volunteer

The following report had been received from the Countryside Access Volunteer.

Field reinstatements still awaited for bridleway – North Elkington to top road. LCC served notice. Still no sign of reinstatement. LCC made aware.


Bridleway/footpaths – Utterby/Grove Farm toward the Covenhams. Soft going and muddy in parts. LCC notified again

footpath across fields behind Brackenborough Wood. LCC notified 3 times!

Care should be taken across wooden footbridges and steps as they can be wet and slippery at this time of year

Apart from above comments, footpaths and bridleways still in reasonable condition, albeit wet underfoot due to recent rains


Bridleway Utterby to The Gowt (Covenham St Mary) very muddy around The Gowt area


The email address for Mr Presgrave was on FPC Notice Board for anyone who would like more information on our local Rights of Way.


A Parishioner had raised “user unfriendly” stile concerns by footbridge along footpath from Allenby Crescent, and may be case for a kissing gate. LCC confirm will need consent of landowner for gate change in this case. FPC and CAV following up. Cllr Giles would try to contact the landowner.

In addition, a new map had been uploaded to the website. The Parish council thanked Mr Presgrave for his report.


12. Policies and Procedures review update


Standing Orders. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Financial Regs. Cllr French ran through the proposed amendments. 10.1.h. had been amended to request at least 2 estimates.


Further changes were made to Section 4.5.

In cases of extreme risk to the delivery of council services, the clerk or chairman may authorise revenue expenditure on behalf of the council which in the clerks or chairman’s judgement it is necessary to carry out………………….subject to a limit of £500. The Clerk/Chair shall report such action to the Parish Council as soon as practicable thereafter.


Proposed Cllr Hunter, second Cllr Waite approval of the policy to be reviewed in November 2020.


Risk Management Policy.

Cllr French ran through the changes to the Risk Management Procedure.


Risk assessments should be made annually. The Parish council would carry out the risk assessments and these would be reported at council meetings.


There were other risks. Bus shelters. Water Butts, common, footpaths, Grit bins. Cllr Giles in conjunction with Cllr Sutton would produce an addendum to the policy which identified the risks. Action: Cllr Giles. The Risk Management Policy was approved to be reviewed in November 2020.

Freedom of Information. Approved with amendment noted. (To be reviewed November 2023 or earlier if legislation changes).


The following policies were approved with no amendments.

Complaints Procedure. (To be reviewed November 2023 or earlier if legislation changes).

Safeguarding. (To be reviewed November 2023 or earlier if legislation changes).


13. Chalk Pit Lane – update by resident.


Following contact with LCC Highways regarding another issue, a representative from LCC highways had suggested to invite the new area manager Mr Russell Crockford to look at Chalk Pit Lane. Action. Cllr Giles to contact Mr Crockford to invite him to assess the road and to advise Anthony Pridgeon of the date.


14. Trees and Footpaths Update


Tree at The Moorings. The work had been completed.


15. Any Other Business



Discussion took place regarding parking in dangerous places. It was proposed to ask John Presgrave to include suggested parking places on his walks. Action: clerk.


16. To fix the dates for next year's meetings.


Cllr French proposed to fix the dates of next year’s meetings and proposed 10 meetings with no meeting in January or September. In addition to fix the annual parish meeting for 4 May and for all meetings to be held on 1st Monday in the Month in the Month unless a bank holiday.


Cllrs rejected the proposal and wanted to continue with a meeting every month. Meetings would take place on the first Monday of each month except when there was a bank holiday.


Date for Annual Parish Meeting. This would be on the agenda at the next meeting. The clerk would investigate the legislation and advise on when this should take place.


The meeting was closed at 21.30.