Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of a meeting of Fotherby Parish Council held on Monday 2 September 2019 in St Marys Church


Present: Cllr T Giles (Chairman), Cllr T French, Cllr L Sutton, Cllr T Hunter, Cllr T Wait (after co-option)


In attendance: Mrs V Davies (clerk),


Nine parishioners were present.


1. Apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllr Bridges and Cllr E Mossop (ELDC)


2. Open Meeting

Discussion took place regarding an expenditure Wish list.


Parishioners requested that the bench at the corner or Allenby Crescent be cleared. This would be considered by the Parish Council.


Some parishioners could not hear. The Parish Council would look into the possibility of purchasing a sound system for Parish Council meetings.


A parishioner had requested a further Speed Indicator Device at the other end of the village. This would be investigated based on available budget.


The fence at the corner of Peppin Lane would be repaired.


Cllr Giles had contacted the bus company regarding the bus route. Repainting of the lines at the bus stop remained outstanding.


3. Declarations of interest.

There were no declarations of interest.


4. To approve the Minutes of 5.8.19

Cllr Sutton proposed, Cllr Hunter seconded, and the Parish Council unanimously approved the minutes. Cllr Giles signed the minutes.


5. Co-option of Councillor


Tony Wait expressed an interest in co-option onto the Parish Council. Tony gave a short presentation.


Cllr Giles proposed, Cllr Hunter seconded the Co-option of Tony Wait. This was unanimously approved. Cllr Wait joined the councilors. Cllr Wait did not take part in resolutions. Cllr Wait completed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office at the end of the meeting witnessed by the Clerk.


6. Adopted Budget Review


Cllr French asked if the amount for the cutting of the tree would come from the contingency. This was the case.


Cllr Giles detailed the items of expected expenditure. Action: Clerk and Chairman would review the current budget and confirm the situation.


7. Village Maintenance/Risk Management


The issue of Risk Management was discussed. It was recommended that the contractors be contacted to provide a risk assessment.


It was recommended that that a maintenance inspection of the village assets take place on an annual basis to form a list of the maintenance required. It was proposed that Councillors would meet to conduct an inspection. Action: Cllr Sutton to arrange.


The issue of sponsorship for the plants in the village tubs was discussed. This would be progressed.


The brambles had been removed from the timber fence opposite the dock. Approval of a nominal amount to repair the fence would be discussed at the next meeting. Action: Clerk to write to Mr Brader to thank for his assistance in removing the brambles.


A new lock had been fitted into the notice board. Approval of the cost of the lock would be discussed at the next meeting.


Branch hanging over the footpath by Whyte Lodge, Main Road. Action: Clerk to contact highways.


8. Village Signage


A resident had complained that cars were driving on Peppin Lane in excess of 30 mph. Action: Clerk to write to highways for advice and guidance on lowering the speed limit.


It was resolved to request highways to erect a wild fowl warning sign near Church Lane and Short Lane. Action: Clerk.


9. RFO discussion and options


The Clerk had been appointed as Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer. The protocol would be re-written so that the Parish council did not need a separate Responsible Financial Officer. Proposed councilor Hunter, Seconded Cllr Sutton.


10. Clerks update


Cutting back of Tree by the Winning Post. This would be discussed under Trees.

Councillor email addresses. The clerk recommended that councilors open a separate email account for council emails.

Councillor Training. Councillors had been sent a list of the training dates for new councillors and were recommended to attend if they had not previously attended councillor training courses. Action: Councillors to advise the clerk on which dates to book.

The signatories on the bank account had been amended. Signatories were Cllr Giles, Cllr French, Cllr Sutton, Cllr Hunter and the clerk.


11. Finance


To Agree cheques for payment

It was proposed (Cllr Giles) seconded (Cllr Sutton) and unanimously resolved that the following invoices be authorized for payment.

Alis Gardening services August £63.00

Allis Gardening Services September £63.00

Clerk Salary £218.70

Clerk Expenses June and July £61.64

Clerk expenses September £37.54

Bush Landscaping £480.00

An amount of £69.90 payable to Parish Magazine Printing - £69. 90 had been authorised on 5.8.19. After the meeting it had transpired that the amount owing to Parish Magazine Printing was £131.70. Councillors had agreed by email to pay the full invoice amount of £131.70. Proposed Cllr Giles, seconded Cllr Sutton and agreed unanimously to formally ratify the payment of £131.70 paid to Parish Magazine Printing on 6.8.19.

Bank Mandate

The Bank Mandate had been completed and the new signatories were in place.


12. Report from Countryside Access Volunteer

The Countryside Access Volunteer report was presented. This was emailed to councilors and published on the Parish Council website. The details for two circular walks had also been uploaded to the website.


All RoWs currently in good order, and recent winds have not caused any obstructions


All harvesting complete on cross field routes, so obstruction free but be mindful of straying from route whilst unmarked.


Identifying fork for Chequers Farm on FP Grove Farm to Covenham St Bartholomew difficult. Field fingerpost requested.


Stile on FP Fotherby Common to North Elkington still insecure. Apparently landowner responsibility, whom LCC are now contacting to fix.


PDF of 2 promoted circular walks local to Fotherby and Utterby available for uploading onto the parish council website.


The Parish Council thanked Mr. Presgrave for his efforts and requested him to continue with the reports.


13. Polices/Procedures Review Update

The Chairman had sent around a list of the policies/procedures. The Parish Council noted amendments required.

Asset Register – current values would also be included.

Financial Procedures –


Invoices to be received by the Friday before the meeting. Reconciliation of Bank Statement.

The bank reconciliation would be verified by Cllr Wait.

An internal auditor would be appointed.

Discussion took place regarding who should confirm the work is satisfactory before payment. If there were issues with contractors, these would be raised.

The Freedom of Information policy would be amended to reflect that the Parish Council would only answer specific requests.

Standing orders had been obtained regarding retention of documents.


14. Trees Footpaths

Tree at The Moorings (formerly the Winning Post) A quotation of £350 had been received to remove the overhanging branches and top the tree. The householder had advised that the branches were affecting his car.

Cllr French proposed that if we can get a like for like quote within a week the Parish Council would seek a further quote and to go ahead with the cheapest quote up to a value of £350. Insurances and risk assessment for the job together with a method statement would be required. Proposed Cllr French, seconded Cllr Sutton and agreed unanimously.


The meeting was closed at 21.00.