Fotherby Parish Council


Minutes of a meeting of a remote meeting of Fotherby Parish Council held on Monday 7 September 2020.


Present: Cllr T Giles, (Chairman), Cllr T French (Vice Chairman) Cllr T Hunter, Cllr L Sutton, Cllr T Wait.


In attendance: Mrs V Davies (clerk), ELDC Cllr E Mossop


Four parishioners were present.



85/2020 Apologies for absence.


There were no apologies for absence.


86/2020. Declarations of interest.


There were no declarations of interest. Cllr French and Cllr Wait declared an interest as they lived near to planning application No. N/052/01433/20 - WOODGATE HOUSE, LOUTH ROAD, FOTHERBY,


87/2020 To approve the Minutes of 3.8.20


There was an amendment to the minutes. “John Presgrave had withdrawn his interest in being co-opted onto the Parish Council. He will continue the Countryside Access Volunteer work for the rights of way  around Fotherby”. Cllr Sutton proposed, Cllr Wait seconded, and the Parish Council unanimously approved the minutes. Cllr Giles would sign the amended minutes.


88/2020 Clerks Update



The clerk reported that government advice was to continue to hold meetings remotely.


The clerk reported on the implications of the new website which was required to meet accessibility rules. The Chairman had developed the site. The clerk had some knowledge on how to maintain the site once it was live due to LCC training and support from the Chairman. The task was still progressing.


A letter had been received regarding an allotment hedge which is reportedly restricting the view of motorists on the bend at the entrance of Mawyers Farm.
The allotment holder has been contacted and has confirmed their intention to reduce the size of the hedge by the end of September 2020.


A member of the public had raised the issue of a hedge at the allotment. This would be resolved by the allotment owner. The Parish Council would review the situation at the end of September.

The clerk would make a claim of £371.00 to reclaim VAT paid in the period April 2020 to September 2020.


The damaged waste bin at the Common had been replaced.


The clerk had contacted highways for information regarding passing places in Peppin Lane, Fotherby.


The clerk would chase up the request to highways to install verge markers in Church Lane. Action: Clerk.


Cllrs noted the NALC salary increase. This would be voted on at the next meeting.



89/2020 Finance: To agree cheques for payment




1192 Bush Landscapes Mowing £480.00

1193 V Davies Clerk expenses £15.16

1194 V Davies Clerk salary £223.02




Treasurers account £9,800.45 18.8.20

Business Bank £2500.82 9.8.20





15.7.20 HMRC VAT refund £799.92

15.6.20 Interest £0.10

8.7.20 Interest £0.10

8.7.20 Interest £0.09


Cllr Sutton proposed, Cllr Wait seconded approval of the expenditure. To note monthly financial reports.

Cllrs noted the monthly financial reports.

90/2020 - To discuss Planning applications.

a) Planning N/052/01433/20 - WOODGATE HOUSE, LOUTH ROAD, FOTHERBY, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN11 0UG. Rear extension to existing house to provide a dining and living area.

Cllrs agreed to support the application.

b) N/019/01451/20 - Change of use of land for the siting of 116 holiday lodges and excavation of land to form 3 wildlife ponds. LOCATION: BRACKENBOROUGH ARMS HOTEL, CORDEAUX CORNER, BRACKENBOROUGH, LOUTH, LN11 0SZ

There were two objections, and three councillors who supported the application. It was resolved to support the application. The Parish Council agreed to submit the following comments. “The Parish Council was concerned about the additional level of traffic involved and the large increase in the size of the village”.


91/2020 To Remove the SID to Fotherby Dock.

Discussion took place regarding the implications of moving the SID to Fotherby Dock.

Action: Clerk to verify the situation with highways. Cllr Sutton agreed to provide the clerk with the proposed lamp post number.


92/2020 To Obtain Grass cutting quotations


Discussion took place regarding how the Parish Council would obtain grass cutting

quotations for the contract expiring 31.3.21.


Cllr French had submitted proposals to amend the grass cutting contract which expires on 31.3.21. These proposals would reduce expenditure.


93/2020 Fotherby Dock


Cllr French proposed that Dock clearing would take place between March to September which would mean a saving for January and October.


94/2020 Mowing


Cllr French proposed that the Common remains the same in that it is strimmed three times. It was proposed to align the The Common with Allenby Crescent but include strimming around the Bench at the start of Allenby Crescent.


Cllr French proposed that the first cut for the graveyards to be the first week in April. It is the custom that the first cut the grass is collected but not the material which is strimmed, which it was proposed to continue with. Cllr French proposed that the last cut should be stipulated in the last week in September.


As the current mowing contract was working well, Cllrs agreed to commence the

tender process based on the existing schedule. Proposed Cllr Sutton, seconded Cllr Wait. Action: Clerk to distribute the existing contract to Cllrs for review.


95/2020 Open Meeting


Cllr Giles opened the meeting for public participation.


Discussion took place regarding the parish council not being consulted on the planning

application for Brackenborough Arms. Previously the Parish council had been consulted on

adjacent planning applications.


It was noted that St Marys Church could be used for meetings at the Parish Council request. This would be reflected on the website. Remote meetings would continue as per

Government advice.


Concern was raised regarding the allotment hedges which were causing a blind spot. The Parish council would review the issue at the end of September.

Discussion took place regarding the moving the location of the SID. Action: Clerk to verify the situation with highways regarding rotating the SID to track of the speed of traffic on the opposite carriageway.


96/2020 - The next meeting would take place on Monday 5 October 2020



The meeting was closed at 20.00.